Central Board of Secondary Education
Data Points
KPIs covered
In its vision for building a future-oriented education landscape, the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 prioritizes data-driven decision making and governance. This policy recognizes data as the cornerstone for tracking and monitoring educational activities, enabling continuous improvement. To bridge the gap between data and actionable insights, the Central Board of Secondary Education (CBSE) undertook the ambitious Sagar se Saransh (Sqube) initiative, which aligns with the National Digital Education Architecture (NDEAR) - a government initiative to establish a unified digital infrastructure for education. Sqube leverages the power of open-source technology to create a robust and scalable data analysis platform. This strategic choice fosters transparency, reduces licensing costs, and fosters a collaborative development community. The platform is built upon open standards and utilizes secure APIs, enabling seamless interoperability with existing IT systems and future technology advancements.